The Men's Wellness Wagon
In my time of need, I did not know how to get help.
When I took the leap and left the corporate world to focus on my recovery, I vowed I would do my best to prevent others from finding themselves, like me, with nowhere to turn.
With this in mind, I have set up The Men’s Wellness Wagon is a safe community space connecting men giving them chance to gather for a walk, coffee & chat about whatever is on their mind.
The Mens Wellness Wagon is a mobile hub giving access to information on support groups and services to assist with mental health and AOD concerns.
Listen…. Talk.… Assist.... It’s that easy
We can visit your workplace, setting up in a car park providing safe space for your employees.
Our service is flexible, giving the opportunity to tailor a package that suits your needs.
Combine The Wellness Wagon with a Crocman presentation and you will have a bespoke solution
to add to your Employee Assistance program
As part of the I’ve Been There Peer Support & Mentoring‘s local community program, The Wellness Wagon is set up at Mirror Park Ocean reef on Wednesdays mornings.
Typically we meet up at 8 am, grab a coffee at the Beachside Barista (own expense), go for a walk along the coast path returning to mirror park around 9 am where we can chill and have a chat.
As flexibility & simplicity is the key here, this is open to review based on the needs and wishes of the attendees.