I perform my talk dressed as a crocodile, not to make light or ridicule mental health issues but to show that whatever you are going through, inside you is the real, genuine and in my case fun loving person and we should never forget or lose sight of that.

I was fortunate enough to be the team mascot for my son’s lacrosse team – The U19 Australian crocodiles in Canada for the world championships.

At this time, I was at my lowest, suffering with depression & anxiety and drinking way too much but being there as Crocman gave me chance to forget about things and be the “real” me.

In my talk, I speak openly about not only my own mental health journey but also that supporting my son during his own time suffering with depression providing hope and inspiration showing that recovery is possible.

By encouraging people to be honest and open with their discussions around mental health, in turn open up the opportunity to have conversations with understanding, empathy and compassion.